How it works

How much time you will save by speed reading

How many hours a day do you read on average?
Hours per year


Average initial reading speed is 210 words per minute.


Average improvement is 165% after successful completion of 13 lessons.


Average reading speed after 15-20 lessons is 625 words per minute.
Your brain normally processes about 500 words per minute when they are displayed separately.

But coherent texts are read by untrained readers at a speed of only 200-250 words per minute.

This is because human vision skips on the rows while reading. The untrained reader is decelerated by too many skips.

When you master speed reading you will be able to read coherent texts at a speed of 500+ words per minute.

With Legentas you expand your field of vision and you improve your eye movements on the row, decreasing the time required for reading.


How can you learn to read 2x more effectively?

The Legentas speed reading course will show you how to read more characters at one time. You'll learn how to expand your view and to move smoothly along the line through better eye movements and good reading habits.

Visual Span

Without training

7-9 characters

etiam dictum legentem ad scientiam

After training

15-20 characters

etiam dictum legentem ad scientiam

Eye movements

Without training

Fusce et turpis quis leo condimentum egestas. Integer tempor nunc ante, laoreet rutrum neque pulvinar nec. Duis egestas metus sit amet auctor sagittis. Integer blandit neque convallis felis imperdiet fermentum. Cras odio odio, laoreet id lorem non, ullamcorper aliquam turpis.

After training

Fusce et turpis quis leo condimentum egestas. Integer tempor nunc ante, laoreet rutrum neque pulvinar nec. Duis egestas metus sit amet auctor sagittis. Integer blandit neque convallis felis imperdiet fermentum. Cras odio odio, laoreet id lorem non, ullamcorper aliquam turpis.


Speed reading topics in the Legentas lessons.
  • Eye movements and visual span
  • Reading technical materials
  • Regression
  • Reading of letters
  • Articulation and sub-vocalization
  • Reading newspapers and magazines
  • Active reading
  • Cursoric reading
  • Eye relaxation
  • Selective reading
  • Further conditions for correct reading
  • Combined reading
  • Correct and fast reading of documents
  • Reading skill

The difference between a trained and untrained reader

Both readers need the same time for one eye fixation (200-400ms, on average 300ms), when they are really reading. The difference is in the number of characters read at once and the efficiency of eye movements on the row.

Untrained reader

  • has a visual span of 1-2 words (about 9 characters)
  • due to the frequent overlap of eye movements the untrained reader stops 7-9 times when reading one row
  • The untrained reader reads 30 rows of 60 characters per row (1800 characters) as follows:
  • The reader stops about 7-9 times in one row (2.1 - 2.7 seconds per row)
  • it takes 63-81 seconds for 30 rows

On average, to read 1800 characters (about 300 words) it takes an untrained reader 72 seconds.

That is about 250 words in a minute.

Trained reader

  • has a visual span of 3-4 words (about 20 characters)
  • due to minimum overlap of eye movement the trained reader stops only about 3-4 times on one row
  • The trained reader reads 30 rows of 60 characters per row (1800 characters) as follows:
  • The reader stops about 3-4 times in one row (0.9 - 2.1 seconds per row)
  • it takes 27-36 seconds for 30 rows

On average, to read 1800 characters (about 300 words) it takes a trained reader 31,5 seconds.

That is about 571 words per minute.

Course features

  • Immediate feedback after each exercise
  • Fun & motivational elements
  • Reading speed rate
  • Various additional exercises

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