chay' Qapbej

'ar poH pol, 'ej SoH pong speed reading

'ar rep net jaj DalaD motlhbogh?
per DIS rep


pImchugh chuqmey poHmey motlhbogh reading speed 210 mu' tup per.


qaSpu'DI' successful completion 13 lessons motlhbogh improvement puS 165 vatlhvI'.


motlhbogh speed laD qaSpu'DI' 15-20 lessons 625 mu' tup per.
normally mIw yab umqu' ghot 500 mu' per tup ghorgh cha' chaH separately.

'ach laD bIngDaq ghItlh leghlu' coherent pong untrain yab potlh law' legh mu'mey neH 200-250 per tup speed.

HoSqu'mo' poStaHvIS reading rows skips Human vision. decelerated untrain yab potlh law' pong 'Iq skips.

ghorgh speed vay' laD laD coherent bIngDaq ghItlh leghlu' DeSDu' speed mu'mey 500 + per tup bobaghlu' SoH.

vatlhvI' v1 vatlhvI' yotlh vision Sach SoH 'ej mIn movements row, Dub SoH nup poH poQ reading.


chay' laH x latlh 2 laD effectively ghoj SoH?

chay' latlh vuDmey'e' laD qaStaHvIS wa' poH qa'ang legentas speed reading He. chay' jIH Sach je vIH smoothly vegh movements mIn Dunmo' QaQ reading wanI'vam yabqechlIj neH 'ej tlhegh along ghoj SoH.

visual yapnIS poH

Hutlh Sojna'

7-9 vuDmey'e'

etiam dictum legentem ad scientiam

qaSpu'DI' Sojna'

15-20 vuDmey'e'

etiam dictum legentem ad scientiam

mInDu' Movements

Hutlh Sojna'

Fusce et turpis quis leo condimentum egestas. Integer tempor nunc ante, laoreet rutrum neque pulvinar nec. Duis egestas metus sit amet auctor sagittis. Integer blandit neque convallis felis imperdiet fermentum. Cras odio odio, laoreet id lorem non, ullamcorper aliquam turpis.

qaSpu'DI' Sojna'

Fusce et turpis quis leo condimentum egestas. Integer tempor nunc ante, laoreet rutrum neque pulvinar nec. Duis egestas metus sit amet auctor sagittis. Integer blandit neque convallis felis imperdiet fermentum. Cras odio odio, laoreet id lorem non, ullamcorper aliquam turpis.


speed topics laD qaStaHvIS legentas lessons.
  • mIn movements yapnIS poH visual 'ej
  • laD technical Hap 'u'
  • regression
  • jabbI'ID reading
  • articulation 'ej sub-vocalization
  • magazines 'ej reading De' chu' ghItlh
  • pov reading
  • cursoric reading
  • mInDu' relaxation
  • selective reading
  • qaStaHvIS je reading lugh
  • QamchoHmo' jIblIj Hoch tlhegh laD
  • lugh 'ej nom laD documents
  • laD laHmey

vangmeH qel Do'qu' 'ej untrain yab potlh law' difference

rap poH wa' mIn fixation (200-400ms, motlhbogh 300ms), ghorgh qar laD chaH nIS cha' tlhIH yab potlh law'. difference vuDmey'e' Dotlhmey laD mI' 'ej mInDu' movements row efficiency.

untrain yab potlh law'

  • chaq visual yapnIS poH mu'mey 1-2 (ghot tu'lu'. mej 9 vuDmey'e')
  • muHIvtaHbogh frequent overlap mIn movements 7-9 poH ghorgh row wa' laD mev untrain yab potlh law'
  • 30 rows 60 vuDmey'e' per row (1800 vuDmey'e') laD untrain yab potlh law' je follows:
  • mev yab potlh law' ghot tu'lu'. mej 7-9 poH qaStaHvIS wa' row (2.1-2.7 cha'DIch per row)
  • 63-81 cha'DIch 30 rows ghaH 'oH

motlhbogh 1800 vuDmey'e' (ghot tu'lu'. mej 300 mu') laD 72 cha'DIch tlhap untrain yab potlh law' 'oH.

'oH mu' ghot tu'lu'. mej 250 qaStaHvIS tup.

lupwI' mIr yab potlh law'

  • chaq visual yapnIS poH mu'mey 3-4 (ghot tu'lu'. mej 20 vuDmey'e')
  • minimum overlap mIn muHIvtaHbogh mev movement Do'qu' yab potlh law' neH ghot tu'lu'. mej 3-4 poH row wa'
  • 30 rows 60 vuDmey'e' per row (1800 vuDmey'e') laD Do'qu' yab potlh law' je follows:
  • mev yab potlh law' ghot tu'lu'. mej 3-4 poH qaStaHvIS wa' row (0.9-2.1 cha'DIch per row)
  • 27-36 cha'DIch 30 rows ghaH 'oH

motlhbogh 1800 vuDmey'e' (ghot tu'lu'. mej 300 mu') laD 31,5 cha'DIch tlhap Do'qu' yab potlh law' 'oH.

ghot tu'lu'. mej 571 mu' per tup.

He features

  • immediate feedback qaSpu'DI' Hoch 'etlhvI'lIj
  • fun motivational elements &
  • reading speed rate
  • Sar 'etlhvI'lIj Saturjaj

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